Bunicorn Game Update: New Trainer & Bunicorn Probability<Date TBD>

Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2021


Dear BUNIans,

The great gas-free update was released last week. But we are not going to slow down any moment! Three more significant updates are coming tomorrow to better solidify our tokenomic and the in-game economy.

Once again we emphasize the importance of these updates to the sustainable growth of Bunicorn Game and long-term benefit to both stakeholders and the project.

The coming release of updates is detailed below.

VENUE: https://bunicorn.game/

TIME: After the Dungeon Adventures (est in 7–10 days after October 19, 2021)


Within this new update, there will be a failure probability corresponding to each level for Trainer fusion. This change is the very first step to balance the Bunicorn Game tokenomic and paving the way for many vital updates in the near future. On top of that, Trainer’s value is expected to increase, especially for fused Trainers, which shall benefit players and the economy as a whole.

Scrolls needed to avoid fusion failure will be demonstrated as the table below


There will be three gacha hunting modes including Epic Hunt, Normal Hunt, and Shard Hunt. For Shard Hunt, users need to use 5 shards for each shard hunt. The shard can be claimed through the Bunicorn lottery and more upcoming events.

Details regarding the hunting probability for each kind of hunt are demonstrated in the chart below. The hunting probability and fee are subjected to change when we see the need to balance the in-game economy.


Besides fusion probability, the Bunicorn’s enhancement probability will also get changed to balance out the in-game economy. This update is also one of our attempts to increase the value of Bunicorns especially the enhanced ones. Details regarding the failure probability are demonstrated below.

This latest update is to serve the best benefits of all stakeholders and the project as a whole. And the details are subjected to change based on community feedback and in-game activities monitoring. Make sure you check out our CEO’s sharing on Bunicorn’s future plan.

If you have any questions regarding the Bunicorn Game Update, kindly contact our admins on the Bunicorn Official Discord.

About Bunicorn

Bunicorn is an intense DEFI Game platform that elevates DEFI and blockchain gaming experience to the next level.

Within Bunicorn Ecosystem

— The Bunicorn RPG game is designed as a “Play to earn” model, while teleporting users to a magical “Bunicorn” world with exquisite NFT collectibles.

— Bunicorn exchange is a high-performance AMM DEX that offers investors yield-earning opportunities through liquidity pools and liquidity mining, with unique time-locked rewards wrapped into tradable NFTs.


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